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How Teams Triumph: Managing by Commitment

How Teams Triumph book cover

“If only we could get (and keep) everyone rowing in the same direction. In a sense that is what Clint and the team at PSI have accomplished with this fascinating hew book How Teams Triumph. After thousands of projects and millions of lines of Gantt charts, we are confident there is no better methodology out there.” — George Hatzilias

How Teams Triumph: Managing by Commitment is a people-centric look at the inefficient ways internal teams operate and why projects so often miss deadlines or exceed budgets. The problem–as diagnosed in Padgett’s book–is one of communication. Specifically, Padgett examines the lack of effective conversations taking place to support projects at every stage.

With the help of this guidebook, you will learn how to nurture interpersonal relationships that foster accountability and prepare for the unknown, even during periods of volatility. The approach delivers needed results whether your teams are in-person or dispersed around the globe.

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