How Teams Triumph book cover

How Teams Triumph: Managing by Commitment

Clinton M. Padgett’s latest book, How Teams Triumph: Managing by Commitment, focuses on the state of today’s businesses and their internal teams. Long gone are the top-down days of management hierarchies. Today’s most successful projects are cross-functional, have frequent conversations about status and progress, and eliminate ambiguity from the planning and management process. 

Unfortunately, few companies approach project success like this, because the results Clint makes possible in How Teams Triumph can’t be achieved using the generic, copy+paste methodologies of the past. Rather, the Project Success Method Clint and his team at Project Success Incorporated have developed helps teams focus on conversation over communication, flexibility over rigidity, agility over stagnation, and ultimately success over failure.

Filled with wisdom and insights from the author’s 25+ years of reshaping project success for Fortune 100, Fortune 500, and Fortune 1000 companies, How Teams Triumph adds clarity to project planning and execution with an adaptable project framework that demands accountability from team members. Frequent conversation keeps all stakeholders updated on progress, reveals pain points, and ultimately shifts the worry curve that so often pushes projects into panic mode. 

In addition to PSI’s innovative approach to business outcome optimization, How Teams Triumph teaches team leaders how to build a strong, communicative team, build interpersonal relationships that foster accountability, prepare for the unknown, maintain project control, support your team without micromanaging, resolve disputes, and work effectively with remote or geographically dispersed teams including international partners.

Regain confidence that your teams will be celebrated for consistently delivering on their commitments.  Learn more about How Teams Triumph

Praise for The Book

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